Friday, June 21, 2013

Not Running anything

Come to find out I'm not running anything right now. I'm thinking about doing the Sims 3 Blog soon. Oh, also I'm not going to my best friend house for a week. That was clearly a mistake. My bad everyone. But I will let you know when I will be running a tamagotchi again. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bling Son Hulk

Here is what Bling looks like as an Adult. Right next to him is his son Hulk. 

One more thing I forgot to mention is that this weekend and all next week that I will not run no Tamagotchi because I'm going over to a best friend's house to spend time on her vacation. In July that's when I will try to start my second blog on my Sims 3. 

Update on Tama Bling

Uhhh...I haven't wrote anything down about my tamagotchi but here are the things thats been going down with my tamagotchi Bling. 

Bling Status:
Hungry: 4 hearts
Happy: 3 hearts
Training: 4 bars
Happy:  92
Gorgeous: 68
Spiritual: 107
Age: 7
Pounds: 99
Gender: boy
Gen: 2
Points: 31,260

Yeah, sorry guys. I haven't been working on him lately. The great news is Bling got a baby boy. His son was born on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 3:03 p.m.. I'm naming his son Hulk. Hulk will be the third generation. So far I have been have nothing but tama boys so far. Geez, when will I ever have a girl. Bling and Hulk was born at the same exact timing but on different days. Soo um, yeah, I will post another photo of them in the next post will quick and that will be it. 

I'm back!!

Sorry, for the long waiting. Right now I'm more focus on my PS3 video games mostly on the Sims 3. I've been doing videos and posting them on Facebook to let my family and friends watch them. But I should post them on my youtube channel so everyone can watch them. Oh, also I want to do a Sims Blog of what's been going on. The sims blog can be my second blogging to blog about for those who are into the sims 3. If i start a sims blog then there will be a lot of videos and photos of my sims. I have like tons loads of videos an photos of my sims and stuff on my phone and it's like taking up a lot of memory from my phone. But I have been playing with my tamagotchi too as well. I just haven't been posting about my tamagotchi. I will try to do THE SIMS 3 blog like sometime next month in July or in August. I need to get rid of these photos and videos from my phone to make more room on my phone. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Something different

I'm being lazy with Bling right now. Why? Good Question. Well, I wanted his statuses to be a little different instead of keeping his weight maintaining and everything on a same level. So why not have a little fun with it. I want to do a blog where I can post a lot of information all at once instead of doing little by little. That means that I will have to gather information up and then post a blog, I'm guessing. 

Bling Status

Bling Status:
Hungry: 4 hearts
Happy: 3 hearts
Training: 3 bars
Happy: 60
Gorgeous: 37
Spiritual: 33
Age: 2
Pounds: 50
Gender: boy
Gen: 2
Points: 24,940

Photo Post

Here is Bling as a teenager. This tamagotchi is a weird looking tamagotchi. I don't like this tamagotchi very much. I get this character a lot and other different characters too as well. It only depends on how well you take care of a tamagotchi. 

Here's what's going down.....

Since I never received my Tiger stripes V4.5 toy, I guess I'm just stuck with three Tamagotchi V4.5 toys. Yes, it's sad but hey what can I do. I'm all over that situation and I'm going to leave it alone. I can always buy new tamagotchi, right. Right! So I guess I will run two or three tamagotchi V4.5's. I don't know yet, but I will just work on just two tamagotchi's. I want this blog to be exciting and full with pictures and videos. I'm thinking of some creative ideas for this blog, but that needs to be worked on. Any ideas from other people that I can possibly do to make this blog even better.

Thief stole my stuff

At 1:36 p.m. today robber came and took -100 points away. Shaking my head...... this thief comes along anytime when he wants too and just takes stuff like it's his. Bad Robber!!!! The points I have now is 24,940 points. Bummer!!! But who can I blame, he only took like 100 points away. It can't be that bad, right. 

Tama King Arrival

Get your news here!!! Tama King has arrived to give Bling a special something. Tama King came at 10:38 a.m. and gave Bling +900 points. That gave Bling 25,040 points. Great Job, Tama King!!!!  Thanks so much for this much points that you have ever given us. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bling's Toothache

Bling got his first Toothache by eating too much sweets in a day. I told him not to be eating too much sweets. Now look what he got himself into....a toothache. 

When I first had a tamagotchi of the version V6 my tamagotchi use to always go through toothaches like crazy. That's because I didn't know why they always had them. It was because I use too give my tamagotchi too much Baby milk when they were babies. But it took me a long time to figure out why the were getting too much toothaches all the time. But at the same time I like it when they were getting toothache because it made me something to do instead of waiting on tamagotchi for attention or what not.

Tamagotchi Mail Failure

Bad News Everyone!!! My tamagotchi V4.5. tiger stripes got sent to a different house. I will never see my tamagotchi again. I only have one tamagotchi that came from the mail and that was the V4.5 flames. But I really did wanted that tamagotchi design so badly. But oh well. I found out this morning. I'm just happy that I got at least one tamagotchi in the mail instead of just not having any at all. I just hope someone who has my tamagotchi is really happy.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sick Tamagotchi

It's 6:53 p.m. Bling has been sick for a whole hour untreated. His hungry meter is three hearts filled and empty hearts for the happy meter. Bling got sick for no apparent reason.


At 2:30 p.m. today Tama Robber came and took -500 points away. The points that I had was 22,840. At 4:43 p.m. today robber came the second time and took another -500 points away. I only have like 24,240 right now., I never had this much robbers taking away my points away from me in a day. Next, thing you know my tama Bling will be broke and then I would have to start over to make more points. Naw....I don't think that I would be that broke down to 0 points. In order for me to get that far I would like have to spend a big amount of points and don't do no tamagotchi games and let my tamagotchi be overweight.

Hmph....I thought....*Shrugs Shoulders*

I'm so use to playing the Tamagotchi Music Star V6 toy. For those who have a Tamagotchi Music Star you know how every new generations points decrease instead of staying the same amount of points from the last generation. Since I haven't played the Tamagotchi V4.5 for a while I kept thinking that my points will decrease when the next generation comes, but instead the points just stay the same. Good!!! Yeah, I play the Music Star one a lot more than my other tamagotchi because the Music Star is my most favorite version than the other versions. My second favorite version of the Tamagotchi are the V4.5 ones. I'm so happy that the points don't decrease every time a new generations comes along. 

Bling Status

Bling Status:
Hungry: 4 full hearts
Happy: 4 full hearts
Training: 1 bar
Happy: 32
Gorgeous: 14
Spiritual: 19
Age: 0
Pounds: 22
Gender: boy
Gen: 2
Points: 23,340

Bling eating

I tried to take a picture of Bling eating pudding. I wanted to take a picture of the whole pudding before he started eating it. But oh, well. Bling is a kid now. 

Bling attention

This morning Bling was crying for attention. I now have Bling under my care today until he gets ready to make another life. 

Two days old Tamagotchi news

At 7:52 p.m. Fire got another job working at the hospital. At 1:03 p.m. the robber took -300 points that was now 21,090 points.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Night Status about Fire

Fire Status:
Hungry: 4 full hearts
Happy: 4 full hearts
Training: 5 bars
Happy: 205
Gorgeous: 106
Spiritual: 121
Age: 7
Pounds: 21
Gender: boy
Gen: 1
Points: 19,780

Photo Post

This here is a photo of my Tamagotchi Fire and his son Bling who was born today at 3:03 p.m that will soon be the 2nd generation. 

New Generation Arrival

At 3:03 p.m. Fire got a boy. I'm naming him Bling. He was born today Saturday, June 8, 2013. Welcome to the world Bling. I had a feeling that he will get a boy because I had this character before a few times. I was just searching online too see when will the matchmaker will come and when I picked up my V4.5. I saw the matchmaker. I was like yay, about time. 

Hmmm.... I was thinking about starting my other tamagotchi V4.5. until my Tiger Stripes comes in the mail. I guess that I will run two tamagotchi V4.5 to make this blog exciting. I'm going to run my  purple Jig Saw Puzzle V4.5. tamagotchi. 

The king's return

At 1:41 p.m. Tama King came and gave Fire +700 points. He now has 19,680 points. Luckily, no tama robber this time. Phew!!! 

Oops!!! I didn't know. Sorry!!!

Before I went to take a shower I checked Fire hungry and happy meter. He had three full hearts for the hungry meter and four full hearts for the happy meter. So I decided to feed him when I'm out the shower. I fed Fire at 1:13 p.m.. I gave him something different this time. I fed him a omelet. Come to find out that Fire doesn't like omelets. I'm guessing that Fire's dislikes are omelets. Sorry, Fire I didn't know what your dislikes and likes is of foods and snacks. So now his hungry meter is four full hearts and happy meter is four empty hearts. So now I have to figure a way to make him happy again. To make him happy again I need to play a game with him by playing the climb game. Yeah, that's my favorite game I rather play with all my tamagotchies. 

I can't believe this!!!! Are you serious?

Ugh....this is crazy you guys. I really can't believe this whatsoever. At 11:48 a.m. the tama robber came and took -500 points away. Which now leaves me to 18,580 points. Are you serious? Like my tamagotchi can't even get paid from his job and like enjoy his amount of points/money without having the tamagotchi robber taking away the majority amount of points. Like literally I can't stand this tamagotchi robber especially when I have just got done trying to get his points up. Man, I have tried so hard to get the amount of points for my tamagotchi to get in a day, at least try to. Like I like the robber at times but not when I'm working on his points and he comes a few minutes later when you like worked so hard getting that certain amount of points. It's totally irritating when that happens. And there is another reason like when you worked super hard getting so much points in a day where the tamagotchi robber like takes -800 points. Now that right there is like super too much to take out. The maximum amount that i feel more comfortable as if the tamagotchi robber takes out is like -300 or less points. Because if the tamagotchi robber takes out -300 that's like nothing compare to -800 points. Taking out -300 points is cool for me but when it get over 300 points than you know I'm like extremely pissed off. After that happened my tamagotchi Fire was hungry so i fed him and he gained like 24 pounds. But now he weighs like 21 pounds now and also have like 18,980 points right now. 

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Just a quick blog of what just happened about my Tamagotchi Fire. 

At 10:55 a.m. I told Fire to go to work to bring up his skills points which is the happy, Gorgeous, Spiritual. You know what I may have been wrong with naming the skills. I don't know for sure but I think the happy skill is like a smart skill. But anyways I told Fire to go to work to do some skills points. Fire's job is a TV interviewer where he does his speeches. When Fire went to work he got paid 1,820 points. His total points that he have now is 19,080. I know that later on today his points will increase by the end of the day, I'm hoping. We will see later on tonight. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

One more post for the night

I couldn't help it by not posting one more post for the night. I just wanted to do a tamagotchi status on Fire. 

Fire Status:
Hungry: 4 full hearts
Happy: 4 full hearts
Training: 5 bars
Happy: 192
Gorgeous: 97
Spiritual: 100
Age: 6 (He just turned this like 4 mintues ago)
Pounds: 21
Gender: boy
Gen: 1 
Points: 17,260

He had way more points today. I kept buying a few things. I'm guessing he will be able to get a baby tomorrow I'm hoping.  Well. Goodnight everyone!!! I'm done posting for the day for real this time. (LOL)

What's been happening?

I forgot to add this to my blog thee other day. Tama King came down and gave Fire points. He gave him +700 points which came out to be 15,130 points. 

Today Earlier I went Tama shopping from the toy and I bought Fire Hamburger, Hot dog, and Juice.  

At 8:40 pm today Fire went to work and got paid $1,160 for his check. Fire works at a Tv interviewer I think that's what's called I believe. I'm pretty sure it's not what's it called. I'm going to call it the tv interviewer. I have to find my Tamagotchi V4.5 instructions to see whats the real name of his job, but for now I'm calling it that. 

Uhhh....tomorrow I will post his status either the middle of the day or at the end of the day. I'm guessing at the end of the day when his status is final. His status has been doing pretty well. I'm trying my best to keep him up to date with his status and what not. 

It's so hard to maintain a tamagotchi when you got other things to do in a day and I'm like keep checking on him throughout the day to make sure he isn't hanging off of death bed or so. 

Well. Catch you all tomorrow. I'm hitting the hay for the night. It's like 9:48 pm and I will be posting more things tomorrow. Goodnight Everyone!!!!

Fire Status

Fire Status:
Hungry: 4 full hearts
Happy: 4 full hearts
Training: 5 bars
Happy: 144
Gorgeous: 97
Spiritual: 100
Age: 5
Pounds: 20
Gender: boy
Gen: 1
Points: 17,640

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Predicting Fire's Future kid

Fire is four years old today I believe and he should be turning five years old I think. Not too sure I've lost keeping track. But anyways um, let's begin naming his future child before he gets ready to do what tamagotchi do. Okay, if Fire have a girl I'm naming her Zoopia and for a boy hmmm......I think I will name him Bling. Yeah, Bling is a funny name but he's gonna be cool and laid back. I also was thinking to name her Zoova. Hmmm....maybe that can be the next tamagotchi girl I'll name. *Shrugs Shoulder* I don't know I have to think about it, I will let you guys know though. 

Tama Baby Naming

It's better for me to name my tamagotchi babies when they turn four years old because it's complicated to name my tamagotchi babies when they have already mated or about to get married. I myself like to give myself some enough time before my tamagotchi finds a mate, get married, and have a baby or babies. It's a whole lot easier trying to name your tamagotchi at that age because your giving yourself enough time to decide what name you really want that tamagotchi name to be. I feel like I don't have to rush trying to figure or find a name for it because boom I already have one when my tamagotchi was four years old. You can always try to change the name before you really actually name it. I like to call it predicting a tamagotchi name before I even know what gender it is. Some of you all would already knows what gender it is by different characters by how the same characters you had previously would every time have a boy or a girl all the time. But don't get me wrong folks back then I use to name my tamagotchi when my tamagotchi babies have already been born and then try to name. But to me by doing that it's like a hustle and then when you do that you end up not liking the name and by then it's too late because you have already put the name into your tamagotchi toy. Hey, I'm just saying because most of you all it's true. I have been there and done that plenty of times. Just by experiencing all that I came up with a plan to make this even better for me to give myself plenty of time to naming a tamagotchi before your tamagotchi even get a chance to do what it has to. I hope this helps for other tamagotchi owners. Your so welcome!! 

Update Status

Fire Status:
Hungry: 3 hearts full
Happy: 4 hearts full
Training: 5 bars
Happy: 131
Gorgeous: 97
Spiritual: 78
Age: 4
Pounds: 21
Gender: boy
Gen: 1
Points: 14,430

Tamagotchi Weight

Good Afternoon Everyone!!! Today this blog is going to be about on a short brief about my tamagotchi weight. 

Okay, let's get started shall we......
As you guys have already know that Fire is my new tamagotchi toy right. Right! So for the past a couple of days Fire has been gaining weight a little just a few pounds over his normal weight. That's because I have been busy with summer school where I haven't gotten a chance to work on his weight, but we did play like three or four games of climb. Yes, he was still over weight at those time when we played the climb game. Consequently, today on my way home from the school and coming from the Doctors I decided to work on Fire's weight. We worked on his weight until Fire couldn't play no games any longer. Fire now weighs twenty-one pounds. His past weight was thirty- three pounds at first. So his owner who is me Randi Randolph has been managing is weight lately. That's a good thing. No fat Tamas on my watch!!! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Brain Siked......

My brain siked me out for days. My tamagotchi didn't come today. I assumed my tamagotchi will be here on a Wednesday, but found out that my mom didn't set a date for it to come yet. NOW SHE TELLS ME AFTER I HAVE BEEN SIKED OUT BY MY BRAIN!!!! I guess I have to wait longer now. Oh, Well I guess I will just have to enjoy my first tamagotchi V4.5. flames. Danggit Man!!! I have been losing sleep for nothing over this tamagotchi. I put my hopes up for this arrival. It all was a waste. THIS SUCKS AND IT MADE ME MAD.

Today is the finally day

Today is the finally day of my last tamagotchi arrival that's coming in the mail today. I'm so excited. I'm waiting on my new tamagotchi right now. I will post when I get it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dang!!! I hate that Tama Robber

It's 4:46 pm now.

Fire's points was 10, 040, but the stupid robber came and took -800 points out which now leaves me 9, 540 points. I just got Fire to the 10, 040 points earlier today on my way home from summer school today. Urgh, now today or tomorrow I have to work on him to boost up his points up again. sigh....oh well. It's like really fun doing the tamagotchi games. I mostly like doing the climb game because it's way easier to get points faster. 

Fire Status

Right now its like 4:32 pm:

Fire Status:
Hungry: 4 hearts
Happy: 3 hearts
Training: 5 bars
Happy: 80
Gorgeous: 66
Spiritual: 50
Age: 2 (should be turning 3 today)
Pounds: 44
Gender: boy
Gen: 1
Points: 10,040

You know what......

I have changed my mind about taking care of four tamagotchi V4.5. For right now I want to take care of just two tamagotchi V4.5. The ones I want to currently run is the ones that I just bought from Ebay which is Tamagotchi V4.5 Flames and the Tamagotchi V4.5 Tiger Stripes. I just want to focus on those two for a while like show off my new tamagotchies that I bought to other people like friends, family, and other strangers just for fun. Like c'mon people these two V4.5's designs is like pretty cool and what not and you guys can't blame me for not trying to show off these awsome designs (lol). I will work with these two for a while and then I will like eventually later on this year I will be currently running all four of the V4.5's. But for right now I just want to enjoy the new ones I have. I need to get these two tamagotchies up to date with the rest of my other tamas that I have lying around on my tama wall. 

What a great Tama caretaker I am?

So far I have raised ninety- two tamagotchies and also only that two tamagotchies that have died by accidently by being on paused but some how when I checked it was unpaused and I saw that my tamagotchies died and that they were both males who were named Rooney and Tychi. But other than that I am a excellent caretaker. 

I have tried taking care of like six tamagotchies all at once before. But it came out to be too much so I had to eliminate a few tamagotchi because it became a hassle for me especially if the tamagotchies are babies. Too much going on all at once. But i really do enjoy taking care of a few tamagotchies all at once because it's like a test to see how well I can care for them. I say it's a whole lot of fun taking care of more than one tamagotchi together. It's a challenge, but it can be a hustle. Try it out!!!

My past Tamagotchi that I had so far.

Before I begin to name every tamagotchi that I had, I want people to know that I started my first tamagotchi back in 2004, when I was in high school at the age fourteen years old. But as I got older I started to do a tamagotchi diary when I was nineteen years old in 2009. 

All my tamagotchi that I had so far:

Topay (Her name was suppose to be named Topaz)

Koosani (Jr.)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Keeping up

I will try to keep up with the statuses of my tamagotchi every night at the end of the day to keep you guys apprise of what's going on with my tamas. 

Tama Status

Fire Status 
Hungry: 3 hearts
Happy: 4 hearts
Training: 1 bar
Happy: 28
Gorgeous: 36
Spiritual: 14
Age: 0
Pounds: 11
Gender: boy
Gen: 1
Points: 3250

Kyson Status

Hungry: 3 hearts
Happy: 4 hearts
Training: 2 bars
Happy: 16
Gorgeous: 26
Spiritual: 21
Age: 4
Pounds: 72
Gender: boy
Gen: 6
Points: 6220

Ash Status

Hungry: 2 hearts
Happy: 4 hearts
Training: 3 bars
Happy: 5
Gorgeous: 19
Spiritual: 8
Age: 4
Pounds: 88
Gender: boy
Gen: 8
Points: 5500

My current Tamagotchies

It's 8:35 pm on a Saturday night sitting at my desk doing a blog. Right now so far I'm only running three tamagotchies. Fire is asleep right now for the night and Ash and Kyson are brushing their teeth which they will hit the hay for the night in an hour. I had fun taking care of these three boys today. I let Fire met Ash and Kyson today to get to know each other before Ash and Kyson will soon be leaving in a few days or so. I didn't let them play with each other too much today because today is suppose to focus on losing weight.  

Video Link of my new Tamagotchi (The first one)

The video link is what I recorded earlier today of my new tamagotchi. Please take a look. Thanks for watching. Feel free to subscribe, rate, comment, and like. 

Tamagotchi Weighs

Fire weighed up to 35 Pounds earlier, but now he weighs 11 pounds with 3,250 points/money. 
Kyson weighed up to 99 Pounds earlier, but now he weighs 72 pounds with 6,220 points/money.
Ash weighed up to 99 Pounds earlier, but now he weighs 88 Pounds with 5,500 points/money.

Today I had to do some work with all three of my tamagotchi by trying to lose weight today. I also will do this again tomorrow for them to do lose weight. I need to stop being lazy with my tamas with their weights and keep them fit. 

My new Tamagotchi arrived

Hooray!!! My new Tamagotchi came in the mail today. As you guys can see the Tamagotchi Flames V4.5 came in first before my second other Tamagotchi Tiger Stripes V4.5.. This morning I was full with joyful and excitment waiting all morning for the mail person to come to bring my Tamagotchi. I should have guessed that the mail person did not come in the morning. It came like some where in the early afternoon like around one something to two something in the afternoon. Earlier this morning I was hoping for it to come before I went to go pay my cellphone bill, but it didn't. So I couldn't wait much longer for the mail person to come because I needed to pay a bill. After i paid my bill today i was thinking to myself if my package came yet by the time I get back home. Surely enough my package came in the mail and I was extremely excited and still thinking to myself which tamagotchi design came first. I found out that the flames design came first when I opened it up before my tiger stripes design comes. 

I named my first generation tamagotchi Fire and he was born today at 3:33 pm.  He is 0 yr. old today. The reason why I named him Fire is because of the design. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

My Tamagotchi Mail Hopes (Before the future)

This is my last blog for the night because I'm turning in to go to bed.  Right now it's 10:06 pm and I just want to make a quick post before the future of my tamagotchi V4.5's comes in the mail. I'm praying that my tamas comes in the mail tomorrow which will be Saturday, June 1, 2013 in the morning or afternoon. I hope I don't miss the mail truck because I end up over sleeping in the morning until noon sometimes. But I don't think I will because my auntie is a very light sleeper and she can hear the slightest sound and she will wake up quickly before anybody else does. So I'm counting on her to get my mail for me so I can just wake up and have my mail in my room or in my hands when she gives it too me. Wish me luck everyone for my new tamagotchies to come in the mail. Yay!!! I'm so excited. Goodnight!!!

My Art Creativity on my Laptop (Not Tamagotchi Related)

#1 CHICK BABY!!!! 

Video Link

The link above is a video of my past tamagotchi DyVon and Kymo when they just got married and got a baby for each. But this is also a saying of my decision for June on what tamas I want that I couldn't decide which version i want from EBAY. 

Ash is now an Adult

Ash is now an adult. Pretty much that's all I have to say for right now. 

Genes run in the family from the last Generation

Here we have Kyson who just turned into an adult. The bottom picture is Kyson's Father Dyvon who is also the same character. Strongly but surely that Kyson got his father genes. Wow!!! That's amazing. Well. We all know where Kyson got his genes from.

My plans

I want to let everyone know that I am very excited right now because soon my two tamagotchi V4.5. will be on its way here. My plans is that when my two Tamas arrives I'm planning on doing a video opening of my Tamas. Don't worry I will post it on my blog so everyone can watch it. I will also take another picture of my new updated Tama Collections. I'm going to make room in my tamagotchi record book where I store my Tamas stuff. I use to write down everything about my Tamagotchi. I stopped doing it because it was too much writing and I don't have time to look at the clock every time to check on to see what my tamas did. So I only write down the important stuff in my record book like for example: Names, Gender, Ages, Born, Death, who's related to who, and also what type of twins there are like Fraternal or Identical. When my new tamagotchi arrives I will be currently running four V4.5's and then soon I will just be focusing on taking care of my two new tamas instead of all four of them. So yes, i will be eventually switching back and forth to two to four tamagotchi of the V4.5's. 


This is Ash. He is a Daiyatchi. He also needs to lost weight as well. Ash and Kyson are not brothers. Let's jump back to the old  Generations before Ash and Kyson was born. Just so everyone knows it was a huge gap between these two Tamagotchi on two different toys devices. It's a long story behind all of this, but I rather not say about it. But anyways.....there was these two tamagotchi by the name of Jelly and Penny. Jelly was born Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 10:31 am. Penny was born Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 6:59 pm. Eventually Jelly finally got married to Penny and started a family. Penny had twin boys that was fraternal and their names were DyVon and Kymo that was born on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 1:04 pm. The twins got older and got married to other female Tamas and had their own babies who is now Kyson and Ash. Kyson and Ash are not twins. Since DyVon and Kymo grew up together and did everything at the exact same time like getting married and having a kid, that's why Kyson and Ash are the same age because of DyVon and Kymo did stuff at the exact same time. So DyVon, Kymo, Kyson, and Ash grew up together. 

Ash is on the 8th Generation right now. 


This is Kyson. He is a kujakutchi. He will be turning three years old today later on. Kyson got work to do by meaning he needs to work out to lose weight. Kyson is on the 6th Generation right now.

My Tamagotchi Theme Links

I posted some links here of the Tamagotchi themes that I have made a few days ago. So far I made eight of them. So please feel free to download them onto your computers. Please Enjoy!!! 

My new Tamagotchi From Ebay

Here is my new Tamagotchis that i bought from Ebay like two days ago. I've been looking for these Tamagotchi designs like forever. Like whenever I look on Ebay I would see them, but every time I did see them the price would be too high or someone has already bought it before I did. 

My old Tamagotchi Collection

So far for right now these are all my Tamagotchi that i have so far for right now. As you can see I have nine Tamagotchi. In this photo I have two V4.5's, two V5's Familitchi, and five V6's Music Stars Tamagotchi. 

Im a beginner at Blogging

Hello, Everyone!!! Welcome to my Tamagotchi Blog. This blog will be about my Tamagotchi. I will try my best to keep blogging. I'm very new at this so please bare with me. If you like you can help me by giving me hints, tips, and some advice on how to do this. I would really appreciated. In this blog I will post photos and videos of what's going on with my Tamagotchi. Please enjoy my blog and feel free to share it with family and friends. Thanks so much!!!