Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What a great Tama caretaker I am?

So far I have raised ninety- two tamagotchies and also only that two tamagotchies that have died by accidently by being on paused but some how when I checked it was unpaused and I saw that my tamagotchies died and that they were both males who were named Rooney and Tychi. But other than that I am a excellent caretaker. 

I have tried taking care of like six tamagotchies all at once before. But it came out to be too much so I had to eliminate a few tamagotchi because it became a hassle for me especially if the tamagotchies are babies. Too much going on all at once. But i really do enjoy taking care of a few tamagotchies all at once because it's like a test to see how well I can care for them. I say it's a whole lot of fun taking care of more than one tamagotchi together. It's a challenge, but it can be a hustle. Try it out!!!

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