Ugh....this is crazy you guys. I really can't believe this whatsoever. At 11:48 a.m. the tama robber came and took -500 points away. Which now leaves me to 18,580 points. Are you serious? Like my tamagotchi can't even get paid from his job and like enjoy his amount of points/money without having the tamagotchi robber taking away the majority amount of points. Like literally I can't stand this tamagotchi robber especially when I have just got done trying to get his points up. Man, I have tried so hard to get the amount of points for my tamagotchi to get in a day, at least try to. Like I like the robber at times but not when I'm working on his points and he comes a few minutes later when you like worked so hard getting that certain amount of points. It's totally irritating when that happens. And there is another reason like when you worked super hard getting so much points in a day where the tamagotchi robber like takes -800 points. Now that right there is like super too much to take out. The maximum amount that i feel more comfortable as if the tamagotchi robber takes out is like -300 or less points. Because if the tamagotchi robber takes out -300 that's like nothing compare to -800 points. Taking out -300 points is cool for me but when it get over 300 points than you know I'm like extremely pissed off. After that happened my tamagotchi Fire was hungry so i fed him and he gained like 24 pounds. But now he weighs like 21 pounds now and also have like 18,980 points right now.
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